Why You Should Use Mad Libs for Teens in Your Secondary ELA Classroom

I absolutely love Mad Libs for Teens in my classroom. Yes, even with my secondary students. Why should elementary kids get to have all the fun? Mad Libs know no age limits! They are so versatile and a fun change-up to grammar worksheets. I can use these with all my English classes, and with a variety of student abilities. Mad Libs are one of the few activities that don’t need much prompting for student engagement, and they fit into any season and topic we’re covering. Read on for my favorite reasons you should use Mad Libs for teens in your secondary English Language Arts classroom.


Practice Parts of Speech

The biggest draw to using Mad Libs is they are inherently set up to review grammar. It is an easy activity to incorporate and very low prep. You can find Mad Libs that incorporate many varieties of grammar review and you can find specific sets to fit the topic you are focusing on in class. The beauty of Mad Libs is that most students are so engaged with the activity they aren’t bothered about the grammar review aspect (if they even notice).

Adjust to Student Ability

In addition to being able to adjust to a variety of topics, Mad Libs are perfect for a variety of student abilities. These are so easy to adjust for students. You can simply adjust how many blanks students will fill out, or you can pre-select what Mad Libs students will work on. Students learning English can work on basic parts of speech and advanced students can have a full variety of grammar topics to review. You can start with simple Mad Libs at the beginning of the year and work up to more advanced versions throughout the school year.

Strengthen Class Culture

It is an absolute hoot to read Mad Libs aloud. Your students can read theirs to a small group, you can select at random some samples to read to the whole class. Try to create a gallery walk during class or put together a billboard of “best of” Mad Libs for students to enjoy. Mad Libs are easy to create from scratch, so you can create fun-themed versions pertaining to your school. Think about mascots, football rivalries, upcoming spirit week themes, and light-hearted humor with staff (I once had a coworker who was seriously into Pearl Jam). Think about the things your students are interested in and I’m certain you can find a Mad Libs that relates.

Mad Libs for Teens Fit Anywhere

It’s true. Mad Libs fit everywhere and anywhere. I have a whole year’s worth of Mad Libs to use in my classrooms and it doesn’t matter what time of year it is, I have something to use. I’ve got a ton of seasonal activities that you can find here. If I feel students need some extra practice with grammar, need an activity for bell ringers, or find myself short an engaging activity for sub plans – there are a plethora of Mad Libs to choose from. If you’ve got space in your lessons – I highly recommend Mad Libs.

Perfect for Fast Finishers

I’m always searching for activities for my early finishers. I really don’t want these students to feel punished for finishing fast, but I absolutely don’t want a mass of students becoming distractions for others. Keeping a stack of Mad Libs is super handy. I would consider it a big handy part of my toolbox. Consider keeping an everchanging variety up front for students to exchange out for their work when they turn it in, or staple a copy to the back of a test for students to start on if they finish before the class.

Grab My Done-For-You Mad Libs Bundle!

Ready to inject some fun into your classroom while helping your students master parts of speech? Check out my seasonal Mad Libs bundle! These engaging activities are designed to make grammar review a blast, with five clever stories for each season that will have your students laughing as they learn. Whether you’re using them for whole group instruction, setting up stations, or providing a fun activity for fast finishers, these Mad Libs will not only reinforce essential grammar skills but also enhance your classroom culture. And the best part? When your students enjoy these stories, they won’t even realize they’re studying! Plus, when you grab the bundle, you’ll get a free set of Back to School Mad Libs, making it eleven great resources for the price of ten. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to make learning exciting!

Do you love Mad Libs for your classroom?

Mad Libs really are a great catch-all activity. I think there’s probably a vibe that these are more for elementary students, or too “childish” for our secondary ELA students. But I often find my students really enjoy getting to work on Mad Libs, even if it’s just for the nostalgia. It covers a lot of bases for me as far as activities go: low prep, high engagement, promotes independence and class culture, and educational. I can’t speak highly enough about how much I love using these things. 

What about for your classroom? Do you have student-favorite activities that “check all the boxes”? Anything nostalgic for your students or high-engagement that your classes look forward to? Share your go-to faves here or on any of the Samantha in Secondary socials – I’d love to hear from you!

Happy teaching!

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